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Databases, Relational database synthesis, synthetic data generation

Replicate your Relational Databases for democratized data access

Cover Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash Business across all sectors, from retail to banking, rely on relational databases to extract competitive insights. However, due to the privacy regulations set in place to protect individuals’ data,...

Protecting Your Organization's Data, Synthetic data with Anonymization

Protecting Your Organization's Data: Synthetic data + Anonymization

Attending to the current panorama of privacy regulations such as GRPD and CCPA, synthetic data has become an indispensable strategy for organizations looking to unlock their data sharing and development initiatives. Synthetic data is...

Fabric vs SDV

Fabric vs SDV: Open-Source or Proprietary Synthetic Data Solution

Photo by Nemesia Production on Unsplash In the current Data-Centric AI paradigm, where all businesses seek to leverage the power of their data for any competitive advantage they can get, organizations face a critical choice: to buy or...

magnifying glass in computer

Combining Great Expectations with Fabric: Create Better ML datasets

Cover Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash In the fast pace of today’s data-driven world, synthetic data is becoming an important resource of data projects across industries. Automated decision-making systems in healthcare, algorithmic...

close up pc

Data-Centric AI in Business: Strategies for Leveraging Data

Cover Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash In the last decade, we’ve increasingly focused on model-centric Artificial Intelligence, building ever more flexible machine learning models. However, a new paradigm shift – Data-Centric AI –...

YData Fabric Synthetic data vs SDV

YData Fabric Synthetic data vs SDV

Photo by Conny Schneider on Unsplash Synthetic data is a cornerstone of Data Centric-AI, an approach that focuses primarily on data quality rather than models. For the past few years, synthetic data gained attention because of a wide range...


Accelerating AI Development with Synthetic Data: Best Practices

Cover Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash In the rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence landscape, data quality is the lifeblood that fuels the development of accurate and efficient models. However, accessing and acquiring high-quality,...

Data-Centric AI landscape by YData

The DataPrepOps Landscape

Since Andrew Ng coined the term in 2021, the number of companies that identify themselves as providing data-centric AI tools has exploded. From synthetic data to data monitoring, companies all over the machine learning workflow have jumped...


DataPrepOps in the Data-Centric AI context

Cover Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash Coined by Andrew Ng in 2021, the concept of “Data-Centric AI” has taken both academia and industry by storm. It has given rise to hundreds of research publications, fostered the...

Correlation Matrix for Multivariate Data

How to Profile Datasets with a big number of Variables?

As the Data-Centric AI paradigm has come to prove that focusing on data quality will have the most transformative impact in industries across all verticals, more and more companies and organizations worldwide are starting to look for the...


The Future of AI: Data Dominance in an Era of Advanced Models

Cover Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed unprecedented advancements, driven by the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and groundbreaking model architectures....

Synthetic Data helps mitigate data issues in healthcare.

The Role of Synthetic Data in Healthcare: From Innovation to Diagnosis

Cover Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash In our previous article, we discussed how healthcare data is often affected by important data quality issues, creating a challenging context for AI development. These issues comprise...

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