YData was recognized as the best synthetic data vendor! Read the complete benchmark.

AI-ready data

Adopting AI has never been easier with automated
data profiling and synthetic data generation

Why YData?

We help data scientists unlock data's full potential.

Through measurable performance improvements

More productivity for data scientists

Up to 25%

Faster to deliver an AI model

Up to 50%

Time-to market reduction

Up to 20%

Model performance boost through improved data quality

And trusted by the community with

Data scientists using our products daily



How can we help you?

All things 'Data for AI'

YData Fabric empowers users to easily understand and manage data assets, synthetic data for fast data access and pipelines for iterative and scalable flows. Better data, more reliable models delivered at scale.

Read, understand and benchmark datasets with a single click
Automate data profiling for a simple and fast exploratory data analysis. Upload and connect to your datasets through an easily configurable interface.
Use the interactive data catalog to assess and track data changes and drifts.
Generative AI to unlock data-sharing and boost AI performance
Generate synthetic data that mimics the statistical properties and behaviour of the real data. Protect your sensitive data, augment your datasets and improve efficiency of your models by replacing real data or enriching it with synthetic data
Automated data preparation Pipelines at scale
Refine and improve processes with pipelines - consume the data, clean it, transform your data and work its quality to boost AI models' performance. Version, compare, track and productize your data and AI flows at scale.

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How can we help you?

YData helps adopters of AI to improve and generate high-quality data, so they can become tomorrow's industry leaders.
YData Fabric for Data Scientists

Faster access to sensitive data

Combine scalable connectors with synthesizers to have fast and easy access to datasets spread across the organization.

Combine scalable connectors with synthesizers to have fast and easy access to datasets spread across the organization.

Faster access to sensitive data

Combine scalable connectors with synthesizers to have fast and easy access to datasets spread across the organization.

Experiment and develop with no learning curve

Ready to use platform with all the frameworks and tools for Data Science with no infrastructure work required to develop AI solutions.

Deliver a ML flow with zero effort

Easy and fast development and deployment of scalable data pipelines and workflow management. Schedule and monitor your runs in every environment.

YData Fabric for Business Managers

Improve your return on investment

Optimize the allocation of your resources and teams. Your data scientists time will be invested in the faster and better development of models that are crucial for the business.

Improve your return on investment

Improve your return on investment

Optimize the allocation of your resources and teams. Your data scientists time will be invested in the faster and better development of models that are crucial for the business.

Unlock new revenue streams

Put your sensitive data to use, while being compliant with privacy regulations. Fast and easy access to new data sources is a key driver for innovation. All of this in a collaborative platform.

Reduce time-to-market and risk

Less bottlenecks and miscommunications between different teams. Ensure faster and easy access to high-quality data, the key for successful AI solutions.

Join the Data-Centric AI movement!

Connect, profile, understand & orchestrate your data preparation flows to train models more efficiently! Improve AI initiatives performance in a iterative way.