YData was recognized as the best synthetic data vendor! Read the complete benchmark.

The python package for
'all things data'

The fastest path to deliver high-quality data.
Automated data profiling and synthetic data in a user friendly python package that unlocks production-quality data, locally.
How it works

Connect, Profile, Enrich, Synthesize

Connect your data sources, manage & understand your data, generate new synthetic data, in a few lines of code.

Start improving the quality of your data and your AI models' performance within days, not months.

data catalog fabric

Data Profiles

Simplified, scalable and simple connection to a variety of data sources. Understand your data assets through automated profiling and detection of quality issues for faster exploratory data analysis and data preparation.


Synthetic data

Artificially generated data that doesn’t match any individual record. While resembling real data, synthetic data ensures both business value while being compliant with privacy regulations.

Synthetic data is great to enable data-sharing initiatives or to boost ML models performance.

synth data

How can you do it?

From raw to smart data in a few lines of code

  • Profile, process and improve the quality of your data with a seamless experience through our UI interface or with code in an IDE of your preference.

Get started today

Become the best in class by delivering faster and better AI solutions with improved data.