About us

Helping companies and individuals to become industry leaders by solving the true AI hidden secret - access to high-quality data
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YData's mission is to help data science teams access and understand data, and improve it with significant RoI for the business.


YData's vision is to make the world's data accessible, understandable and actionable.


We are in the business of providing solutions to anonymize data. Data privacy is at the core of what we stand for and as such the security of your data is our top priority.

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Enhancing Data Management Solutions with data bootstrap
Synthetic data bootstrap In the dynamic landscape of organizations high-quality...
How to pick the best fit data catalog for your data stack?
Dive into data management with our latest whitepaper, which presents an...
How to evaluate the re-identification risk in Synthetic Data?
While allowing for meaningful data behavior, it is crucial that synthetic data...