YData was recognized as the best synthetic data vendor! Read the complete benchmark.

Synthetic data SDK now available for everyone

The Data-Centric AI toolkit for data quality profiling and synthetic data generation We are proud to announce that the YData SDK is now officially available to the broader data science community. With a single line of code, any team or...

YData joined NayaOne marketplace

YData joined NayaOne marketplace

We're excited to announce that YData has joined the NayaOne Marketplace, making YData’s end-to-end data-centric development platform accessible to an assortment of organisations. It will benefit institutions who are seeking to improve...

Synthetic Data in Privacy Engineering

The role of Synthetic Data in Privacy Engineering

With the astonishing amount of data being collected and processed nowadays, privacy and security have become a significant concern for both individuals, organizations, and governments. Ensuring the privacy of sensitive and personal...

Synthetic data for data-sharing

Why synthetic data for data-sharing

The creation of new business models and the need to find the right competitive edge is the drive for the growing adoption of AI initiatives. Digital transformation is a heavy legacy transformation and not a 6 months project, nevertheless,...

YData Profiling

YData Profiling: The debut of Pandas Profiling in the Big Data world

Not a month has passed since the celebration of Pandas Profiling as the top-tier open-source package for data profiling and YData’s development team is already back with astonishing fresh news. The most popular data profiling package on...

Cloud Azure and AWS

YData Fabric available on Azure and AWS marketplaces

YData Fabric is now available through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure Marketplaces! This means that users of these well-known cloud platforms can now easily access and make use of YData Fabric’s powerful data science...

Open source, Pandas Profiling, logo.

YData's open-source, Pandas Profiling, hits 10K Stars on GitHub

YData is proud to announce that our open-source data profiling package, Pandas Profiling, has recently reached an outstanding milestone of 10,000+ stars on GitHub. This achievement is not only a great success for the team but also a...

Top 5 trends in AI 2023

Top 5 trends in AI for 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a fast-moving field showing no signs of slowing down in 2023. As new technologies emerge daily, it is crucial to analyze and be aware of the latest trends as they will influence the tools available to most...

Predict and Prevent Customer Churn in Telecommunication

Predict and Prevent Customer Churn in Telecommunication

The telecommunication industry is undergoing a seismic transformation, and companies must place data at the forefront of strategy to survive against growing competitive pressures. Many operators have yet to establish a data-centric...

Compare datasets

How To Compare 2 Datasets With Pandas-profiling

Advanced Data Visualisation with Pandas Profiling Visualisation is the cornerstone of EDA. When facing a new, unknown dataset, visual inspection allows us to get a feel of the available information, draw some patterns regarding the data,...

Artificial Intelligence on Financial Inclusion

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Financial Inclusion

How AI assists banks and financial institutions in enhancing financial inclusivity The advancement of technology has paved the way for banks and financial institutions to reach out to all corners of the Earth. However, according to the...

YData in Gartner’s Emerging Tech Impact Radar

YData in Gartner’s Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence

YData was highlighted in the recent report “Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence” by Gartner. The world-renowned technology consulting company named YData as a key vendor with a platform that can generate synthetic data to...

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