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YData in Gartner’s Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence

YData in Gartner’s Emerging Tech Impact Radar

YData was highlighted in the recent report “Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence” by Gartner. The world-renowned technology consulting company named YData as a key vendor with a platform that can generate synthetic data to help you bridge information silos, fight data bias, and address data privacy.

With AI technology rapidly expanding, businesses are ready to adopt and leverage these solutions to improve productivity and efficiency. Data-centric AI was classified as one of the emerging technologies with a more significant impact, enabling AI to become more ethical and responsible. YData was proudly mentioned as a top vendor in this area under the Tabular Synthetic Data category.

Gartner’s Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence report analyses the maturity of the AI market, the momentum, and the impact of new technologies so businesses can successfully use them for competitive advantage. The report is available at Gartners website under a paywall. 
