Data-Centric AI Community

Community Revamp

Written by Data-Centric AI | Dec 6, 2022 5:56:00 PM

Introducing the new Data-Centric AI Community on Discord

This Christmas, you won’t be “home alone”! The Data-Centric AI Community is officially moving to a fun little place of the web — our brand new Discord server — and you’re invited to join us during the holidays.

The DCAI Community is the place of all things data

“Why are we moving to Discord?” — you may wonder. Well, although Discord and Slack share similar features, Slack feels like work and Discord feels like home. Slack was created to improve workplace communication, while Discord was especially designed for online communities. Besides, Discord does not have any limitations on the number of messages (which means we won’t lose each other’s conversations) and it aces in audio and video features (which is great for hosting online events, AMAs, or simply for pair programming).

So, let’s get you a tour of this new community!


Welcome to our humble home

DCAI Community is the home of all things data and is therefore designed with that in mind. There are essentially 5 categories you may explore:

  • 🚀 Let’s Get Started: to get you started in the community, introduce yourself and invite friends;
  • 💭 Data-Centric Topics: exclusively dedicated to data-centric discussions;
  • ⭐️ Community Hub: to share ideas and personal projects, find inspiration and job opportunities, and foster partnerships;
  • 🐼 Pandas Profiling and 🔐 YData Synthetic: dedicated to our open-source users and contributors.
DCAI server now includes a dedicated space for data-centric discussion

Our previous Slack features are now comprised in the ⭐️ Community Hub, whereas the 💭 Data-Centric Topics is where the real magic happens.

Async communication is already hard, and more so when you have to skim through piles of vendor and promotional content to get truly helpful information and meaningful conversations. We want this space to be exclusively dedicated the boost genuine interests: that’s what a community is for.

Alternatively, if you found DCAI through pandas-profiling or ydata-synthetic you can find support for your troubleshooting and provide feedback on interesting features.

So there you have it, everything has its own place, even events! No need to have links scattered through “random” or “general” channels. Just add your event to the community calendar so that everyone is always up-to-date:

Events can be created by anyone on the server to that everyone is always up to date

Find your tribe and engage in genuine conversations

Similarly to machine learning algorithms, each of us can belong to one or several tribes, and a community is a place where we can connect with like-minded fellas.

When entering the DCAI Community, you can join yours by simply reacting to their respective emojis: a moderator will then assign you to the desired role. Then, while navigating the community, you can get in touch with your tribe when asking a particular question or sharing an update. Just be careful not to abuse this permission (e.g., using it for promotional content) or it may be revoked!

Server roles are like tribes: you can find expert help and share updates with yours

How to join

Joining the community is easy-peasy: just click this link. If you are already a Discord user, the link should take you directly to our server. If you run into any troubles with “Invalid Invite”, try opening the link in a private browser window, or simply add the server manually and paste the invite link:

You can add a server in your discord app by clicking the “+” button in the left tab

If you don’t have a Discord account yet, you’ll need to create one, and then join the server using the invite link:

You can also join DCAI when creating your Discord account

See you soon!

This revamp marks a new beginning for the Data-Centric AI Community! We’re preparing a year full of exciting initiatives, where each month will be dedicated to a particular data quality issue — what it is, where we can encounter it “in the wild”, how it affects data science applications, and of course… how it may be diagnosed and mitigated!

So if you haven’t yet, stay tuned to our newsletter: we promise to spill all The Gaussip. We hope you can join us and share your journey. See you on the other side!